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NanoBio4Trans is pleased to announce a showcase workshop on artificial livers in Milano, Italy on 27 May 2015. The workshop will be held jointly with the FP7 project d-LIVER. To learn more and sign up for the workshop, please visit the workshop webpage.

A new nanotechnology-based paradigm for engineering vascularised liver tissue for transplantation

NanoBio4Trans (304842) is financially based on an EU grant within the Seventh Framework Programme. The NanoBio4Trans project has five partners, and started on September 1, 2012: It will run until the end of August 2015, and has a total budget of EUR 7,7 M


A new nanotechnology-based paradigm for engineering vascularised liver tissue for transplantation

NanoBio4Trans (304842) is financially based on an EU grant within the Seventh Framework Programme. The NanoBio4Trans project has five partners, and started on September 1, 2012: It will run until the end of August 2015, and has a total budget of EUR 7,7 M


A new nanotechnology-based paradigm for engineering vascularised liver tissue for transplantation

NanoBio4Trans (304842) is financially based on an EU grant within the Seventh Framework Programme. The NanoBio4Trans project has five partners, and started on September 1, 2012: It will run until the end of August 2015, and has a total budget of EUR 7,7 M


Jenny Emnéus
DTU Bioengineering
+45 25 47 35 48
Mette Christiansen
Senior Executive Officer
+45 45 25 78 53
FP7-logoEU flag

Liver patient management and bio-artificial liver project:

NanoBio4Trans public event, Milano, IT 27 May, presentation.

The NanoBio4Trans project

The aim of the NanoBio4Trans project is to develop, optimize and validate a highly vascularised in-vivo-like bioartificial liver as an extracorporeal bioartificial liver, which is ready to be perfused with human blood plasma, and can be exploited in modern medical technology. The aim of the first version of the artificial liver is to support patients with weak liver function with an external bioartificial liver; this should be ready in 2020.


Figure: The NanoBio4Trans BAL support system's development process: (A) The PHS with a primary highly branched perfusable channel network that allows flow through the material from one inlet to one outlet, and a secondary more arbitrary porous network (Aa), enclosing HMDs (in blue). (B) hPSC derived endothelial and hepatocyte cells seeded and grown inside the primary capillary channel network, to closely mimick the in vivo situation of blood vessel lined with endothelial cells on top of which hepatocyte monolayers are formed (Bb). (C) A fully developed BAL support system, with integrated sensing and imaging tools for control of growth and viability and use as EBAL, with a final releasable BAL (Cc), potentially for future transplantation.

In the future the aim is to develop an artificial liver, which can be implanted into the human body.